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Postpartum Anxiety: PPD’s Invisible Cousin by Christie Luibrand, MSW, LISW
Over the years I have heard many mothers tell me that after they gave birth, their “mama bear” instincts kicked in. They felt concern and worry about their new baby, which led to them being protective and hyper-aware.
Realistic Ways to Practice Self-Care as a Busy Mom by Julia Hogan, LCPC
Julia Marie Hogan, LCPC is a counselor in Chicago and owner of Vita Optimum Counseling & Consulting, LLC, a private practice that specializes in faith-based psychotherapy. She also leads workshops and writes on topics related to self-care, authentic living, relationships, and mental health. Her book, It's Ok to Start with You, is all about the power of self-care from a Catholic/Christian perspective and her second book will be published later this year. She is passionate about empowering individuals to be their most authentic selves. You can find more of her writing online at